How InventHelp Can Help You Defend Your Invention Against a Counter-liner

InventHelp has been in business since 1965. At that time, they operated twenty stores in seven states and two of them were located in Pittsburgh. This company is dedicated to providing businesses with the assistance they need in designing, patenting, and commercializing their ideas. InventHelp was one of the original businesses to use the Patent Cooperation Treaty system to protect the “inventions”. We are happy to say that the PCT has been expanded to cover many more business fields.

If you are considering getting your new idea patented, you might want to consider using the services of InventHelp. InventHelp has established its corporate headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since the early 1990s. This company can help you from beginning to end in searching for ways to patent your invention or new product concepts. InventHelp also can refer you to a qualified independent patent attorney to give you an initial patent examination and analysis. From there, the company will work with you to make sure your idea is truly unique and not simply a re-hash of ideas and innovations from other companies.

The inventorship team at InventHelp is comprised of patent attorneys that have both experience in dealing with technology related issues and technical skills. They also include patent specialists that have significant experience in dealing with the business side of the invention process. Because the inventors of InventHelp’s products have worked so long and hard on their inventions, it is important to ensure that their best interests are being protected throughout the patenting process.

One reason why InventHelp offers services to so many inventors is that they believe in “going green” and being an environmentally friendly business. Therefore, InventHelp encourages businesses to use their services in pursuing “green” technologies, inventions and innovations. This way, InventHelp helps protect the interests of every part of the Invent Lover’s life – the inventor, the manufacturer, the business, and even the public that may come in contact with the invention.

As with all legal matters, consulting with a patent attorney is highly recommended prior to submitting your invention for patent protection. InventHelp’s patent attorneys are able to assist you in determining if your invention is indeed patentable. If it is, the company’s patent attorneys will work with you throughout the legal process. During this time, they will help to define the scope of your invention, establish what legal grounds exist to secure the protection, and determine how to best protect your invention. Additionally, these patent attorneys will assist with the examination and writing of the Application and will work with you throughout the entire patent process. During this time, the patent attorneys will be there to answer any questions and provide additional information as needed.

Many times inventors will send their inventions directly to InventHelp for evaluation before submitting the invention to the USPTO. However, InventHelp’s patent attorneys often receive many similar requests, which can be overwhelming. It is important to note that InventHelp is not a “one size fits all” company. Many patent investigators will determine their own patentable subject matter or will look for additional information from your patent application. For these reasons, it is critical that you seek the counsel of an experienced patent lawyer who can provide patent advice based upon his professional experience as a patent litigator and patent law expert.

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