Four Time-Saving Housekeeping Tips For Busy Families

Maintaining a clean home is often a challenge for busy families. Between work, kids’ extracurricular activities, and family time, it can feel like there’s never enough time for cleaning chores. However, with a few efficient routines in place, even the busiest households can enjoy a well-kept home without sacrificing quality time together. Here are four time-saving housekeeping tips from our friends at Molly Maid that will help you save valuable time during your daily cleaning routines.

Clean Left to Right

This simple tip can cut down on the amount of time it takes to complete a room’s cleaning. By establishing this cleaning pattern, you can reduce the amount of time it takes to do each room in your home by up to 23%. In addition, the consistent cleanliness of your home will result in a more streamlined and hygienic cleaning process.

Invest in Multipurpose Cleaners

Using high-quality multipurpose cleaners Calgary home cleaners can eliminate the need to switch between different products when cleaning different surfaces. This not only increases efficiency but can also help to reduce clutter and save storage space. Look for cleaning solutions that will work on a range of surfaces, such as toilets, floors, and kitchen counters.

Clean as You Go

By incorporating a few small cleaning tasks into your daily routine, you can save significant amounts of time during your weekly cleaning sessions. For example, wiping down a surface as soon as a spill occurs can save you from having to do a much more intense scrubbing session later on. Another way to save time is by loading the dishwasher or putting away food items as you use them rather than letting them pile up on the kitchen countertops.

Schedule Regular Time-and-Motion Studies

While time-and-motion studies are typically used in industrial manufacturing, they can be an effective tool for identifying areas of improvement within any service industry. When it comes to housekeeping, time-and-motion studies can be particularly useful in highlighting bottlenecks in workflow and highlighting opportunities for training.

Incorporating regular time-and-motion studies into your housekeeping operations can help to improve staff morale and provide an opportunity for employees to express their concerns about the cleaning process. In addition, a consistent approach to housekeeping can reduce the need for periodic panic cleanups and make it easier to track progress over time.

Embracing weekly housekeeping services is a practical solution for those who value a well-maintained home but require the flexibility to use their free time for other important pursuits. By enabling you to reclaim your weekends, weekly housekeeping services are an investment in both your health and happiness. The consistent cleanliness they deliver contributes to a healthier living environment, while the time saved can be redirected toward creative pursuits, education, or family time.

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